Mar 26, 2010

Chico Garcia vs. Niko Baua

Every morning I always listen to the “Morning Rush” at RX93.1 (with Chico and Delamar). In the evening I am lucky to get a chance to watch ABS-CBN’s news program with my officemates while we have our dinner. Every time Nikolo “Niko” Baua gives his report, he reminds me of Chico Garcia a super famous DJ of Monster RX93.1.

And then I realized that these two guys have similarities with regard to their looks. At a first glance one looks like the other. Or you can mistake them as siblings or relatives. I really don’t know if they know or already knew each other. Or if somebody already told them they have a resemblance. So here are their photos, you readers judge:

Tell me, can they be mistaken as borthers?

Photo of Chico Garcia was taken from his personal blog site, please go ahead and check it out. And photo of Niko Baua was taken form his unofficial fan page in Facebook.

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