Jun 23, 2009

Movie Review: The taking of Phelam 123

I've seen the movie "The taking of Phelam 123". This movie starred Denzel Washington and John Travolta. This is a remake of the Walter Matthau-starring thriller from 1974. This movie is about the high jacking of one of the New York City train, the Phelam 123. The train got it's name from the time it leaves the train station. I think it was something like that, I really can't recall the exact words Denzel used on the movie to answer the Officer's question about the name of the train. If you have seen this movie and you still remember the line, just tell me.

Well all in all the movie is great though it did not have much action scenes in it. What I loved about it is the story and the lines that Denzel was delivering specially when he was trying to calm the hostage taker (John Travolta) and get more information about him just through random questions. And the two scenes that are really heart breaking for me were first, when Denzel was asked if he took the bribe and second was when he called her wife to let her wife know that he was chosen by the hostage taker to deliver the ransom money.

In relation to this I was able to ask Mr. Ryan Seacrest his opinion about this movie. Here is what he has to say via twitter.com:

“I have not seen it yet but spoke a friend of mined that produced it. Said it turned out amazing”
Seeing this movie solidified my belief that if it's a movie starring Denzel Washington it will be a very good movie. I have seen other movies he starred in like Bucket list and from then on it seems like I already liked him as an actor. And to cap this all up, I give this movie a 5/5 rating. Yeah I know it's a perfect score, but who cares this is my blog and no one can change it. And besides we are all entitled to our own opinion, right? Thank you for dropping by and please feel free to share what you want to say about this movie.

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